Thank you to the many people who made our first Giving Tuesday fundraiser a success! With your help, we were able to surpass our goal and raise $1685 for camper scholarships. Wow! That fundraising total can help several kids spend two weeks at camp. Many of our families need just a bit of financial help to make camp possible. They're saving through the year. They're doing payment plans. Our scholarship fund is often used to just close the remaining gap. That little bit of help is what I needed my first summer when I fell in love with WA WA and asked my parents if I could stay an extra two weeks! It's a common story you'll hear from many alumni. If you missed Giving Tuesday, have no fear! We have several fundraisers and events coming up this winter and spring that could really use your support:
Gift Wrapping at Barnes and Noble in Poughkeepsie (12/2 from 3-9pm; 12/16 from 9am-9pm)
The Smith Park Board Annual Campaign
The CrowdRise Online Fundraiser
The Segowea NCAA Online Basketball Pool in Mid-March
The Wally Waddle 5K Walk/Run and Free Kids Runs on Mother's Day at Vassar Farm