Summer 2018 "Make it Ourselves Camp" will bring out the best in our staff, campers, and facilities! Summer 2018 at Camp WA WA Segowea will feature the theme "Make it Ourselves Camp!" This theme will add additional excitement to our "Classic WA WA" experience and give campers even more of what they love most about "WA WA!" "Classic WA WA" group activities such as capture the flag, the overnight, game night (known traditionally as "Casino Night"), carnival, and the olympics, along with individual skill choices such as swimming, boating, archery, and arts and crafts will again be offered as the basis for our 2018 programs. "Make it Ourselves Camp" will add opportunities for campers to deepen their "WA WA" experience and build a tree house, maintain and harvest a camp garden, learn outdoor survival skills, and participate in enhanced classes to make textiles, build and cook in a solar oven and much more! When we reflected this fall on the success of summer 2017, what stood out as central to the WA WA experience is our ability to do things in the wilderness together. As "WA WAs" we saw a clear tradition of making and trying new things, and of building community while away from what we consider necessities during the rest of the year. For Summer 2018: "Make It Ourselves Camp," we are going to see how much further we can take our adventures at Camp WA WA Segowea! We want to consider how much more we can create together, what new challenges we can tackle, and even in what ways we can better care for our community! The following programs and sessions will be offered for Summer 2018: "Do it Ourselves Camp" at Camp WA WA Segowea: Session 1: July 15- July 28, 2018 Session 2: July 29- August 11, 2018 *1 week "Mini Sessions" are available for Base Camp during both sessions Family Camp Labor Day Weekend: August 31- September 3, 2018 Base Camp, 8-14 year olds:
Campers thrive in a community environment that encourages self-expression, friendship building, risk taking, and outdoor play. Campers participate in twice daily all-camp activities, daily swim lessons, and choose afternoon skill building classes. Together with five to eight other campers and two experienced counselors, base campers create a cabin home that is an integral part of the larger Camp community. A sleep out under the stars is a highlight of the first week of each session and a camp dance closes the experience at the end of the second week.Teen Camp, 12-14 year olds:
Teen Camp, Session 1: "Base Challenge:" Enjoy day outings into all the beauty that surrounds Camp WA WA! Special programming will include day hikes & a canoe outing, weekly overnights, and skill building experiences customized for our teen campers.
Session 2: "AT Challenge" Embark on a two-night, three day hike on the Appalachian Trail! Additional special programming will include day hikes and a canoe outing, and select skill building experiences customized for teen campers.Leadership Camp (LITs & CITs), 9 & 10 Grade Graduates:
Leaders in Training (LITs) are 9th and 10th grade graduates who are beginning their journey towards becoming counselors. LITs can attend for 1 or 2 sessions and live in an independent cabin while assisting Base Camp counselors with the camp program.
Counselors in Training (CITs) are 10th grade graduates who join a month long program (Sessions 1 & 2) that prepares them to become Junior Counselors. CITs also have the option of becoming Certified Lifeguards and will be trained in First Aide and CPR. Both LITs and CITs engage in a leadership program that teaches the basics of camper development, skill instruction, and leadership potential. To learn more about Camp WA WA Segowea, and for more information about our "Campership" scholarship program that provides tuition assistance to campers in need, please visit www.smithpark.org/campwawa! Registration will open just as soon as we finalize our 2018 updates. Register before January 15 to receive $100 off camper sessions! It's December, and we CANNOT WAIT for July to arrive! We hope you join us and bring your friends!

SUMMER 2018: